Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Extension Activity of the Week - 1

Each week I have a slot in the staff bulletin to share an extension activity.

I decided to put them here as well, mostly so I don't forget which ones I've already done.

Let's Get Quizzical
A recent study showed that regular testing helps us to remember things - what a breakthrough! In addition to this, Matravers AG&T pupils tell us that they enjoy learning more when there is an element of competition.

As an extension, students could write a short quiz on the lesson content for the rest of the class to complete as a plenary.

A range of styles could be used, such as true/false, multiple choice, odd one out, or Jeopardy-style, where the pupils come up with the answers and the rest of the class has to guess the question. Look in the Extension Activities folder for more examples.

Pupils could create the quiz in the back of their exercise books, on scrap paper, on mini whiteboards, or on the classroom computer - in which case, the quiz could be placed on the VLE and set as a homework activity.

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