Saturday, 13 November 2010

Parent Survey - Reminder

Thank you to those parents who have filled in the questionnaire about our provision for AGT at Matravers. If you haven't done it yet, it's never too late!

Parent questionnaire

Friday, 12 November 2010

Event: Crystal Maze weekend

Letters are going out to students in year 10 and 11 this week about the Crystal Maze weekend, 3rd-5th December.

In the style of the popular Murder Mystery at KS3, this weekend was created in response to pupil requests for a similar weekend at KS4. Over the course of the two days, students will attempt curriculum puzzles to encourage lateral thinking and promote their learning in key subject areas; they will take part in a high ropes course; and contribute to a talent show on Saturday night. On the Sunday, the pupils will enter the Crystal Dome and attempt to win sugary prizes.

Pupils interested in going should return their reply slip to the office by November 19th. Letters are available to download from the Matravers website.

Year 11 Study Skills Day, Nov 5th

On November 5th, 10 students from year 11 went over to the brand new Melksham Oak school to attend a study skills day run by Learning Performance. We have used this company several times before and they provide a session on memory skills and revision tips specifically tailored to our brightest pupils. Since one presenter can run the session with up to 40 students, we shared the provision with pupils from Melksham Oak and Kingdown.

Our presenter, Andy, took us through a number of strategies for revising and helping the facts to stick, which involved actions, drawings, diagrams and - as above - some interaction with the pupils from the other schools. The day was positively received by all and lots of the students agreed that they had some new techniques to try out ahead of their modules the following week, and their mock exams at the end of the month.

A second Learning Performance session will be running in the new year through the Aim Higher program, so look out for information on that if you are interested in knowing more.